Vinyl vs Fiberglass Windows: Which Is Better for Your Home
On average, windows last around 20 years. Of course, some windows may naturally last longer than others, and the lifespan of a window will also depend on how well you take care of it. Whatever the case, when you get new windows, you’ll want to ensure that they are high-quality and last a long time.
When it comes to the question of vinyl vs fiberglass windows, you might be wondering whether one is better than the other. After all, they have quite a few similarities, but they also have a few important differences. Keep reading and learn more about the differences between these two windows.
What You Need To Know About Fiberglass Windows
The first benefit that fiberglass windows have is that they are very stylish and come in a variety of different styles. For example, if you want, you can get fiberglass windows that look just like wood. They even can come with unique textures so that they feel like wood as well.
So, you can give your windows a perfectly rustic look without having to look over them as you would with real wooden windows. Besides that, fiberglass windows can be painted. This is important because windows tend to not come in a huge variety of colors.
This can be a problem if your house is a unique color and most average window colors won’t match. But since fiberglass windows can be painted, you shouldn’t have any trouble choosing a paint color that will match the rest of your house. As for the style of these windows, you should know that they have naturally thin frames.
This is especially true when compared to vinyl windows which have thicker frames. Thinner window frames have a variety of benefits. For one, your windows will be larger and will let in much more light. This alone will make your living space appear more spacious and bright.
The Details
This is not to mention that fiberglass windows are famous for being very durable. They are arguably one of the most durable residential windows. This is because they are resistant to a wide variety of things, such as changing temperatures, moisture and rain, physical damage, and more. Due to this durability, fiberglass windows tend to last much longer than ordinary windows on average.
For example, fiberglass windows tend to last around 30 years, although there are some cases in which these windows may last as long as 50 years without any need for repairs or replacement. The downside is that these windows are very expensive. Naturally, you have to expect that a window with so many upsides has to have one big downside.
Some people like to think of the high price as a sort of long-term investment. After all, you won’t have to worry about these windows breaking for many decades, so you won’t have to spend any money on them during that time. However, if you can’t afford fiberglass windows at all, you might be wondering what you should do,
Fortunately, vinyl windows are the perfect option.
What You Need To Know About Vinyl Windows
While vinyl windows have quite a lot of similarities compared to fiberglass windows, they also have a lot of differences. For one, vinyl windows also come in a wide variety of different styles and types. Vinyl windows are known for coming in many different colors so you shouldn’t have any trouble finding the right shade to match the rest of your house.
For that reason, it isn’t very common to paint vinyl windows, especially since paint doesn’t tend to stick very well to them. But since they come in so many colors, there isn’t much of a need to paint them anyway. There are also some vinyl windows that are designed to look like wood or other materials.
However, the texture and pattern of these mimic designs tend to not be quite as realistic as fiberglass windows. Whatever the case, vinyl windows have a lot of benefits that fiberglass windows do not. When you buy new windows, the last thing you want to do is spend an arm and a leg to get them.
What to Know
This is what will happen if you pay for fiberglass windows. But when you opt for vinyl windows instead, you will find that you can save quite a lot of money. This is because vinyl as a material is generally quite affordable and easy to manufacture.
Keep in mind that just because this material is affordable doesn’t mean that it’s cheaply made. On the contrary, vinyl windows are known to be quite durable. While they might not be quite as durable as fiberglass windows, they can still last quite a long time, often 20 to 30 years.
If you take good care of them, they might even last longer. This is not to mention that you hardly need to maintain vinyl windows at all. As long as they’re installed correctly, you won’t have to worry about looking after them since they’ll do that on their own.
You might have to hose them down once in a while to keep them clean, but that’s about it.
All About Vinyl vs Fiberglass Windows
When it comes to vinyl vs fiberglass windows, you should know that one is not necessarily better than the other since they’re both good choices. Fiberglass windows are very durable and stylish, but they are also quite expensive. If you want to have windows that look good and are durable as well as affordable, you should opt for vinyl windows instead.
To learn more about these windows, contact us here.